Benoit Galati
by Benoit Galati
1 min read


  • Behat
  • testing

PHP Matcher is an awesome library to do assertion against unpredictable data. Combined with Behat and the Behatch contexts it’s the perfect tool to test for non-deterministic JSON payload.

Here is an example where I override a method of Behatch JsonContext to add PHP Matcher features:


use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode;
use Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException;
use Behatch\Context\JsonContext as BehatchJsonContext;
use Coduo\PHPMatcher\PHPMatcher;

class JsonContext extends BehatchJsonContext
    public function theJsonShouldBeEqualTo(PyStringNode $content)
        $actual = $this->getJson();

        // Replace all useless whitespace
        // You can use the \Behatch\Json\Json class to have the same behavior
        // but it checks JSON syntax which could be problematic if you want to get rid
        // of double quote in field value
        $expected = preg_replace('/\s(?=([^"]*"[^"]*")*[^"]*$)/', '', $content->getRaw());

        if (!PHPMatcher::match((string) $actual, (string) $expected, $error)) {
            throw new ExpectationException($error, $this->getSession());

Then you need to use this context in your behat.yml.dist instead of the one provided by Behatch:

                - JsonContext

Now, all your feature files can use PHP Matcher features like the following:

  Scenario: Client credentials authentication
    When I send a "GET" request to "/foo"
    Then the response should be in JSON
    And the header "Content-Type" should be equal to "application/json"
    And the response status code should be 200
    And the JSON should be equal to:

Let me know in the comment section below if you know any other alternative ;-)